Open Banking API - teknospire


Open Banking API
Open Banking Enabling Financial Inclusion

How Open Banking can Help in Financial Inclusion

Jonathan a villager who supplies vegetables to the branded supermarket in the city needs to submit monthly invoices [physical copy] to get the payment.He has a bank account but still has to maintain a physical copy of the number of vegetables supplied with the offer price. Recently he got to know about a software that...
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Open Banking

Open Banking: End of Card Payments?

Any new technology or innovation always opens up the debate about the relevance of such models in the first place. When it comes to the Open Banking APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), the newest offering of FinTech, there are ongoing discussions on how it can bring about a revolutionary banking experience which is beneficial to the end users. The basic...
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open banking

Open Banking: Who will really get benefitted?

Banking, as a domain, has always been a competitive one. To keep up with the pace of the dynamic nature of this sector, banks & financial institutions are gradually making the shift to experiment with newer technologies, like Open Banking and innovative concepts like FinTech, designed specifically for the banking sector. The basic idea behind...
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Open Banking API: A Journey

Data sharing and Big Data have become the trending topics in the financial world of late. With the advent of many Fintech start-ups, traditional banks are undergoing a major shift. They, now, are looking forward to modifying the way they operate, to survive the cut-throat competition from their peers. This is when the idea of...
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