Rural Banking Solutions and Financial Inclusion - teknospire


Rural Banking Solutions and Financial Inclusion
FI series 4

Financial literacy – The fourth pillar of Financial Inclusion

The post first appeared on linkedin. To get more such insights, please connect with me here. While I was privileged to go to school, get educated, watch tv, buy books, during my adolescent days. I never realized some people do not have access to primary education until I saw this ad on Doordarshan – राष्ट्रीय साक्षरता मिशन [National Literacy...
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Regulation in Financial Inclusion

Regulation need to strike a balance to enable Financial Inclusion

The post first appeared on linkedin. To get more such insights, please connect with me here. This is the third part of my Financial Inclusion series, in case you have missed the two here is the link for part one and two. Regulation in Financial Inclusion has two aspects one is about “laying the right rule” the other is “supervision”...
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women and financial inclusion

Women are the “Changemakers” to Financial Inclusion

The post first appeared on Linkedin. To get more such insights, please connect with me here. My last post on LinkedIn spoke about “extra push” from government, brands, banks, and technology. While these are guiding lights of the Financial Inclusion game, the torch-bearing initiators in each household are women. Women the changemakers of the society, it’s worth...
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Financial Inclusion needs an extra push!

The post first appeared on linkedin. To get more such insights, please connect with me here. What is the longest distance you traveled to avail a service? Okay, I am not talking about marathons! But while you are reading this on your smart device waiting for a booked cab or live cricket score, pause as […]
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Financial Inclusion is the key

Financial Inclusion: What will it be like for years to come?

Financial Inclusion helps lift people out of poverty and can help speed economic development. It can draw more women into the mainstream of economic activity, harnessing their contributions to society. – Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Indonesian economist, Minister of Finance of Indonesia since 2016 Economic growth of a country depends on factors like national income, per...
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