Financial inclusion for rural people
In continuation to our earlier blog ”Benefits From Agency Banking”, this blog would highlight the importance of agent bankers in rural banking.
For a country to be fully developed rural development has to take place. Of late rural development has become the new buzz word for the developing economies. The central government bodies, local government bodies and the financial institutions in these economies are the primary development providers to the rural areas and its residents. While the local authorities are developing the rural areas with better infrastructure facilities, the financial institutions are following suit by providing financial inclusion to the rural residents.
Currently, huge chunk of the rural population are unbanked and prefer to remain unbanked due to reasons such as :-
Financial institutions especially rural banks of the developing economies play a crucial role in the rural financial development. To ensure a successful rural financial development, the rural banking sector needs to grow by laying
thrust on :-
Supporting their growth, the rural banking segment is opening up to policies that promote financial inclusion. Rural banks are steering away from traditional branches and are looking forward to alternative forms of banking to provide financial inclusion. A few steps taken by the rural banks in enhancing their development include :-

Customer service point /Agent Bankers
Scope for rural banking sector development through rural financial inclusion has given rise to agency banking. But how important are the agent bankers to the rural banking sector? Agent bankers help in stepping up the success of thrust areas laid above. Also, they enhance financial inclusion of the unbanked by :-

Mobile Banking In Rural Areas
Agent bankers by providing benefits to the rural banks and the rural customers,have attained a prominent place in the rural banking sector and their importance in the rural development cannot be overlooked.
International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy
Diversified Channels in Rural Banking Worldwide
Agent Banking: Penetrating Markets, Rural Communities For Financial Inclusion