Skewed Startup parity and Much More — Startup Master Class - teknospire

Skewed Startup parity and Much More — Startup Master Class

Was at a startup event in silicon capital of India, Bangalore conducted by @iitkaa_SMC
Thanks to Oracle Startup Cloud Accelerator for facilitating our participation.

A Saturday well spent is what I can say! It was a great ensemble of speakers/startups/pitchers. It was divided into sections presentations by young achievers who was talking about what made them succeed, then the established ones giving Gyan, to the investors who were sharing knowledge as to what they look into for investing and concluded with the fresh pitchers who are learning the reigns of startup world. Started with the learning session with freshly established startups giving their “tips”. A lot to note down from these small ventures and their founders which can be useful for our Fintech fledging – teknospire.

Let me first cover the Food startups which were there! The alternative hobby of being a foodie always takes over!

Was amazed at the journey of P C Mustafa, the Bangalore based startup iD Fresh Food founder from a small town in Kerala (Of course fellow mallu would impress, but let me tell you of all who presented he was the wittiest and impressive, all attendees would agree! ) to this great business which feeds breakfast all over India.

Tips from Mustafa
Tips from Mustafa — iD Fresh Food

Another Food startup— @OvenFresh by Ravi Subramaniam —was very candid in quoting “ When Earnings in Nil and Learning is tremendous” referring to his not-so-successful earlier startup Eat-fresh. His tips of his success story with @Ovenfresh could be summarised in the below shots

  1. Get to Signal from Noises around. Finding the Focus
  2. Aspire not to be Unicorn but a fierce tiger startup, which adds value to whole the ecosystem
  3. Find the right ingredients for your successful drive, Driver = team, Car = Model of business, Fuel being the cash and So on.
  4. “Keep walking” from erstwhile @JohnyWalker whatever the situation may be!


OvenFresh presenting @iitkaa_SMC—Startup Master Class
OvenFresh presenting @iitkaa_SMC—Startup Master Class
OvenFresh presenting @iitkaa_SMC—Startup Master Class
OvenFresh presenting @iitkaa_SMC—Startup Master Class


Ravi Subramaniam from OvenFresh presenting @iitkaa_SMC—Startup Master Class
Now to the next passion of mine Fine arts, Here @Amoghavarsha came with the blend of technology and fine arts to present his ideas on Photography and his Youtube of the national anthem with its moving animals ( The most amusing being the owl who was doing a Bharatnatyam pose )— with @RickyKhej showed how amazing is India’s natural world.

Amoghavarsha with his blend
Amoghavarsha with his blend


Amoghavarsha with his blend
Another Fine Arts professional who claimed to have no left brain was Matangi Jagadesh Aka Ma Ja, with her venture @WholisticVocalist which helps singers to develop themselves holistically and not burn out. This was from her experience of being a singer and having gone through a medical condition which almost left her with no voice. Her blend of Information, Inspiration and Transformation — IIT as she puts it was refreshing.


Raghu Viswanath added his version of @7HabitsOfHighlyEffectivePeople as this

Raghu Viswanath from Verteband

Raghu Viswanath from Verteband

There were some startups from Christ College itself, the venue partners, impressive social startups that too. Streetopreuners which aggregates the street vendors and tracks the locations of them for easy access. Vidya which helps in recycling the notebooks and Reread which puts up books for re-reading and reuse.


Dream in all forms was the topic much touched upon, which one of the speakers— Aditya Jha of Krayon beautifully put “Give the passion time to ferment, so that it becomes a obsession”.

Investors from different caders Kalaari Capital, Lightspeed India, India Network & Rahul Narvekar IndiaJapanFund representatives were present to present their ideas on what they look for in startups when they invest.

Some of the startups who pitched were impressive @Schoolglinks with their solution for a genuine problem statement.

Overall a great Saturday spend with a great vibing community of startups, the only grouse being why were there any female entrepreneur in all of approximately 50 who presented or pitched! Intriguing !

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