Lakshmi Thampi - teknospire


Lakshmi Thampi
How to Streamline Financial Reconciliation with FinRecon

How to Streamline your Finances with FinRecon

Numerous offices and departments spend hours performing reconciliation work, looking through entries, and comparing them with bills and receipts. The task becomes tedious for many, resulting in errors and delays with the overall financial workflow. Traditional reconciliation methods are inefficient and time-consuming. However, let’s talk about a better way for reconciliation through finrecon in this...
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Teknospire: Connecting FinTech Technologies for Better Living

The growing demand for cloud computing and need for uninterrupted banking and payments services have forced the financial institutions to look at innovative solutions. Consequently, data-driven approach has become the key to business growth. More and more businesses are engaging in data mining and hence, it is important for technology providers to offer solutions that...
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Skewed Startup parity and Much More — Startup Master Class

Was at a startup event in silicon capital of India, Bangalore conducted by @iitkaa_SMC Thanks to Oracle Startup Cloud Accelerator for facilitating our participation. A Saturday well spent is what I can say! It was a great ensemble of speakers/startups/pitchers. It was divided into sections presentations by young achievers who was talking about what made...
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MannDeshis Emblem used as decoration in the arrangement in front of their newly inaugurated building.

FinTech Solutions the Mann Deshi way

Some people amazes you, especially when you least expect it. Introduction to a new concept of social impact and the person behind it Chetna Vijay Sinha came to us as a web update. Found that there could be synergies for teknospire and @MannDeshi in Lean Banking solutions. Not the usual back and forth of emails,...
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Banks—No Banks—Hiya Banks r back.

Love Hate relationship with banks and customers is continuing. Let me explain the Indian scene. A decade back we only had banks…any payments it had to be routed through the banks… there was no other institution or method for it. So it entailed long waits in queue and filling of big forms. Have had instances...
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How to make content for Tech companies?

Techies…. or nerds…. they need to be left at their bearings. You ask them to code for 24 hours a day…. the glee u see on their face is irreplaceable, but u ask them to manage people…. brrr… they would show their attitude… the same goes with an expression of what would give when they...
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Demonetization in India and Zimbabwe

This is interesting! While browsing the Google Trends, Word “Demonetization” has peaked the search results and is one of the top keywords that is being looked upon on the web in India. We might be in a turbulent state with the phenomenon of “Demonetization” but we are not alone, quite recently even Zimbabwe and the...
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How #Demonetization Could help in #FinancialInclusion and #Fintech Firms to #Empower #CashlessEconomy!

One of the faces of demonetization – Our maid for several years knocks at our door, late in evening yesterday asking for money to buy milk for her son. I oblivious of the “demonization hula boo” started enquiring what did she do with the salary which I gave just a few days back.(Only because I...
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How #Demonetization is pushing us to go for #Cashless transactions

I and my spouse were having a fight, how much money is enough for a teenager as a pocket money? I came to a figure of 250 INR and he wanted to round it off to 300 INR to eliminate the possibility of getting into the hassle of finding change. Just a perfect day of...
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