Testimonial from Ndasenda™ partner - teknospire

Testimonial from Ndasenda™ partner

NDASENDA™ is a payments platform which has aggregated Zesa, Internet,Broadband,Wifi, Airtime and Insurance services. Vimbayi is one of star partners. His experience with us and his tactics to get the maximum out of the platform would help other partners. This interview would be one of the first in our series of getting one-on-one with our partners to know what in Ndasenda entices them and how they have benefitted from it.

Hope this encourages other partners to know what is Vimbayi’s tactics for maximising on our platform. We welcome more partners to NDASENDA.com.

Elizabeth Ndhlovu-Dumbreni is a freelance writer and Senior Executive-Administration for FN Software Solutions. Liz is in conversation with Vimbayi here

Vimbayi Makwavarara, who is one of our top performing agents, have been our patron from the launch of our product. He had been instrumental in giving us many active feedbacks and introducing many new features in our Service delivery platform. This Ndasenda™ platform he actively endorses and we are glad that he finds our solution helpful and helps him in conducting his business in an effective way.

Liz : What attracted you to Ndasenda? Which features of ours are most endearing for you. Which are the most which you use?
Some examples below for you to pick from
No – POS
Being on mobile/PC
Availability of internet in mobile or PC making it easier
No inventory

Vimbayi:Primarily I was attracted to Ndasenda by the ability to sell Zesa and all airtime on a web-based online platform. The “live” real-time sales are a brilliantly convenient method to sell vouchers. The main reasons being you are able to sell exactly what you have put in in terms of float across all the products. This meant I could put in say $100 and sell only Zesa… or sell Zesa and airtime across the same float as per the demand of my clients.

Liz : What business do you do otherwise and how does NDASENDA platform function as an add-on income for you?

Vimbayi: I’m an IT manager for sports betting and lottery company. Ndasenda does provide an additional income source from the commissions earned.

Liz : How was your journey with Ndasenda, what is the amount which you started your trading with and how much are your earnings now?

Vimbayi: My experience with Ndasenda was actually very good. I think I joined on very early on, and the team that approached me and encouraged me to investigate and try out the platform were very helpful indeed. They were eager to hear what feedback I had to improve the system, as well as what functionality I thought was good and could be improved. I Started with a blogSmall amount, about $50, which quickly grew… I think after funding low floats for a few weeks the team was very happily shocked when I floated $3000 at one go!

Liz : How did you acquire your customers – give some pointers for the newer partners.
What were the approaches used, is it
1. social circles
2. Targeting coworkers in the workplace
3. Or was it from the Quite Frequented places.

Vimbayi: Primarily I used several approaches. 1st I identified an area where I saw that the residents did not have a reliable and close to the source to purchase Zesa vouchers… they were having to travel a distance to purchase vouchers.
I also saw the opportunity to provide Zesa and Airtime to the company I work for as they have a large number of branches across the country but the bills are paid for from one location… having me as an approved source for Zesa, airtime, and Telone proved very convenient for them.
subsequently, Co-workers also came to know that I sold Zesa and other products online and also enjoyed the convenience of the service anytime they needed it without having to leave the office. They could call at any hour assured that I would be able to supply them the vouchers they needed.
I also made and distributed flyers in neighbourhoods close to my point of sale, and leveraged Ecocash as a payment platform. So even after hours clients could pay via Ecocash, and get their vouchers immediately.

Liz : With the earnings from our platform what are your dreams?

Vimbayi: To grow the float that I can afford to have on the platform, and open more points of sale. Ultimately these earnings I hope will assist my daughter in her educational fees, as well as teach her the concept of business in the future.

Liz : What are your feedbacks for our platform?

Vimbayi: The platform is Great and ever improving. I hope to see even more products to offer the clients in the future.

Thank you Vimbayi for your time with us.We hope to have you with us more often to share the success stories with Ndasenda™ platform.