Digital Banking - teknospire


Digital Banking

Digital Wallets in Israel – Use Cases, Consumers, and Economy

In the year 2006, when I was in Pune, many Israelis were staying within our locality. Apart from the country name and a possibility of locating it on the world map, I hardly knew anything about Israel. So when I was offered this post, I never thought it would be an eye-opener to me, on...
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Diigtal Wallets in UAE

Mobile Money wallets in UAE

Mastercard, in their recent report “The Cashless Journey,” stated that UAE economy is among the most rapidly growing as a cashless based society. VISA another leader in digital payments surveyed retailers found that 63% of the retailers claimed foot traffic increasing and 68% increase in revenue with the acceptance of digital payments. The survey also...
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Why Should Banks Go Digital?

First, it was customers pushing banks to adapt to the digital wave, and now non-bank enterprises growing as competitors are pushing traditional banks to become digital enterprises. And why not – when data shows retail banks that digitize could achieve a 20% increase in revenues and a decline in expenditures by 30%. On the other hand, for...
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Sahamati and Data say – I Do! A match made on earth for fintech, banks, and customers

Data the new Oil has been under scrutiny these days. When Microsoft bought LinkedIn or when Facebook acquired Whatsapp, the speculation was that they were eyeing the data these acquired company have gained in recent years. Then recently I saw a video floating on WhatsApp [authentic or not no clue], but it claimed that every...
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Neo Banking - Banking beyond physical walls

Neo Banking – An exclusive Digital Bank

Image Credits – The post first appeared on linkedin. To get more such insights, please connect with me here. Could a bank without the physical walls exist? If you had asked me this, a few years back, I would have said – may be, but in 2019 I feel proud to be associated with many of these...
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Editor’s Note : This post was originally published in [January, 2019] and has been updated for freshness, accuracy and comprehensiveness. What is Online Banking Accessing Banking services via internetAlso Called Internet Banking or Web BankingConducting financial and non-financial transactions via web interface or a smartphoneAbility to access all financial information of your bank on your...
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Digital Banking

What is Digital Banking and How Digital Banking Works?

I wonder if “Right to go digital” should be included as the seventh fundamental right in India. What do you say? Be it a shop, a salon,or cobbler everyone is aspiring to register its digital presence. And why not when “money” can move digitally,even individuals, organizations,and most importantly banks need to sail via a digital...
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FI series 4

Financial literacy – The fourth pillar of Financial Inclusion

The post first appeared on linkedin. To get more such insights, please connect with me here. While I was privileged to go to school, get educated, watch tv, buy books, during my adolescent days. I never realized some people do not have access to primary education until I saw this ad on Doordarshan – राष्ट्रीय साक्षरता मिशन [National Literacy...
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Regulation in Financial Inclusion

Regulation need to strike a balance to enable Financial Inclusion

The post first appeared on linkedin. To get more such insights, please connect with me here. This is the third part of my Financial Inclusion series, in case you have missed the two here is the link for part one and two. Regulation in Financial Inclusion has two aspects one is about “laying the right rule” the other is “supervision”...
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women and financial inclusion

Women are the “Changemakers” to Financial Inclusion

The post first appeared on Linkedin. To get more such insights, please connect with me here. My last post on LinkedIn spoke about “extra push” from government, brands, banks, and technology. While these are guiding lights of the Financial Inclusion game, the torch-bearing initiators in each household are women. Women the changemakers of the society, it’s worth...
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