FinTech Trends - teknospire


FinTech Trends
Open Banking

Open Banking: End of Card Payments?

Any new technology or innovation always opens up the debate about the relevance of such models in the first place. When it comes to the Open Banking APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), the newest offering of FinTech, there are ongoing discussions on how it can bring about a revolutionary banking experience which is beneficial to the end users. The basic...
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Open Banking API: A Journey

Data sharing and Big Data have become the trending topics in the financial world of late. With the advent of many Fintech start-ups, traditional banks are undergoing a major shift. They, now, are looking forward to modifying the way they operate, to survive the cut-throat competition from their peers. This is when the idea of...
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TeknoToon – A Story of Open API Banking

Reference: Open Banking Explained: What you need to know
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Banking need to be Omnichannel

Why do Fintech Start-ups need to be Omnichannel and not Multichannel?

A few years back when we were looking for a Locker facility in our neighborhood, we found the state cooperative bank as the best choice. With the focus on availing only the Locker facility, we never explored the options like internet banking or mobile banking for the bank. Later with demonetization, Aadhaar linking and KYC...
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Banks are aware of the fact that they are no longer serving the traditional customer base, they are in dire need to transform their business models and stay relevant in the industry. Here are the four pillars that could help the banks in realigning their business models either with a handshake with fintech firms or...
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Its just six months that PSD2 came into force, and the Open Banking Implementation Entity (OBIE) stats demonstrate that in June, there have been 1.2 million uses of open banking API’s, up from 720,000 in May. Another report from the Open Data Institute and PwC highlight that the Open Banking market by 2022 could be...
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Top 9 Global Fintech Blogs

Blogs, news, & articles are the most sought-after medium to catch up on the latest technological happenings especially in the fintech and payments arena. Overcrowding of the internet space has made finding popular and content rich blogs a tough task at hand. So here we are with an infographic presentation of the popular global fintech...
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Open Banking Rule was introduced in January 2018 with a prime motive to empower customers. Today where “Experience, Convenience and Priority” means customer service, Open API Banking is an initiative to streamline the banking services and put the customer first. Open Banking protocol advises financial institutions to use Open API to allow the flexibility of...
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Why is Customised FinTech Banking Platform in vogue?

The secret to consumer loyalty is ‘Relationship Banking’ and the mantra is ‘Serve first, Sell later’. ‘Platform customization‘ service is an effective way to attract and maintain more customers, as long as the costs associated can be controlled effectively. Designing the tailored solution that is ‘just right’ for the client gives them the proud feeling...
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The Fintech arena is brimming with innovative ideas, thoughts, products, & events. The ideas, thoughts need to be discussed & explored. Products and events need to be let known and highlighted on a suitable platform. As a perfect platform, there are fintech groups on various social media channels for fintech knowledge transfer and announcement of the...
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