Blogs | teknospire


Financial Digitalization

Future of Finance: Embracing Digital Transformation

Today, with just a few taps, funds can be transferred, bills can be paid, and purchases can be made. All without needing to touch cash. As technology advances, with financial digitalization the future of finance looks brighter, promising even more innovative and secure ways to the government and corporate entities, and financial intermediaries. To add […]

How to Streamline Financial Reconciliation with FinRecon

How to Streamline your Finances with FinRecon

Numerous offices and departments spend hours performing reconciliation work, looking through entries, and comparing them with bills and receipts. The task becomes tedious for many, resulting in errors and delays with the overall financial workflow. Traditional reconciliation methods are inefficient and time-consuming. However, let’s talk about a better way for reconciliation through finrecon in this […]

Financial Inclusion and Union Budget 2020

Financial inclusion is increasingly being recognized as a key driver of economic growth and poverty alleviation across the globe. Studies have found that access to formal finance can boost job creation, reduce vulnerability to economic shocks and increase investments in human capital. Seven of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of 2030 view financial […]

Mobile Wallets in India 2020

Mobile Wallets has grown rapidly in India. As per a BI Mobile Payments report, in-store mobile payments would grow to $503 billion by 2020.  As per another report Mobile Payment Volume would increase tenfold by 2021. Who are The Enablers to Mobile Payment? Growth of e-commerce Increased Penetration of smartphones Free and easy access to […]

Four KPI’s to Measure ROI of a Digital Bank in 2020?

While, as a technology provider firm we always urge our clients’ Banks and FI’s to adopt “Digital Channels,” we also stress on How to evaluate the ROI of a Digital Bank after implementing the banking solution. Here is a quick guide that would guide you to look for KPI’s and calculate the ROI of a […]

Is Neo Banking all about UI/UX?

Experience! How do you craft a digital experience for your consumers? BY providing them a robust, stable, highly efficient digital platform, but have you thought that 80% of the digital experience is driven by the way UI/UX has been designed. Neo Banks aka challenger banks that are 100% digital, the UI/UX weighs a lot more […]

Turkey Cashless Society by 2023 – Mobile Wallets are the key!

Have you ever tried Turkish tea? For a tea-addict like me, it was incredible! And thanks to these fantastic tea flavors that I got to know about Turkey, a land with rich history in culture and food has also shaped the history of economics. The concept of stock exchange, commerce and money were all born […]

Neo Banks In India

Just a few days back we got an interesting query on our website chat – Which new technologies already present in foreign countries can be adopted for Indian banks? My one term answer to that question would have been – Neo Banks! Yes, Neo Banks are the answer to the efforts– cashless banking, automated payments, […]