Mobile Wallet - teknospire


Mobile Wallet

Mobile Wallets in India 2020

Mobile Wallets has grown rapidly in India. As per a BI Mobile Payments report, in-store mobile payments would grow to $503 billion by 2020.  As per another report Mobile Payment Volume would increase tenfold by 2021. Who are The Enablers to Mobile Payment? Growth of e-commerceIncreased Penetration of smartphonesFree and easy access to the Internet...
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Open Banking

Open Banking: End of Card Payments?

Any new technology or innovation always opens up the debate about the relevance of such models in the first place. When it comes to the Open Banking APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), the newest offering of FinTech, there are ongoing discussions on how it can bring about a revolutionary banking experience which is beneficial to the end users. The basic...
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How Selenium Automation Testing is assuring the Solutions @Teknospire are Quality Checked

Time and again it has been proven – An issue caught in the later stages of an SDLC costs a firm a lot! Whenever it comes to cost cutting and as a response to tight timelines testing is one thing that gets eliminated from many SDLC. However, @Teknospire we believe in delivering only quality to...
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FinTech Aggregators

Typical Eco-System General high level eco system of FinTech is provided in above diagramIn FinTech domain considering vast types of service bouquet there is a need to have strong eco system between multiple stake holder. Aggregator is the word visualized first when building eco system of stake holders in general. And this Aggregator role is...
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FinX enabled Digital Value Chain

Enabling Basic Banking Services to Beneficiaries of International Grants

FinX enabled Digital Value Chain The above diagram represents the role that Agency Banking, powered by FinX, is playing to create a cohesive ecosystem connecting the farmers with the suppliers, buyers, merchants, financial institutions, international organizations like WHO, UNDP, USAID etc. This article explains the problem statement that most of the International Donors like UNDP,...
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How Agent Banking is creating the Social Entrepreneurs and contributing to financial Inclusion.

In the first post of our series on Agent Banking we spoke about how customers could benefit from Agent Bank and make “Banking a need” . The second post of the same series will highlight how Agents are the face of change to people’s financial security and independence. Who really is an Agent? An agent...
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How unbanked population is receiving benefits from Agency Banking

Bill Gates once said – The world needs banking, but it does not need Banks. Maybe that quote was taken a bit seriously by Banks, and we do see phenomena of Agent Banking happening! Why is Banking a Need? What are the advantages of banking services? Does it help people? Let’s take a closer look...
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How EVDS could simplify Consumers Life!

“Digitization has simplified our life and without the digital presence we seem so handicapped!” In this world of virtuality, where friends exist, we converse without actually meeting them, could look for traffic health of Las Vegas Streets, visit Ajanta and Ellora caves from your laptop and watch your favorite sports as good as live expecting...
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