Banks - teknospire



Open Banking/PSD2 is all set to shake the financial services industry in 2018

Time and again we have positively accepted #Open creativities… be it when Philosophers guided us to have an open mind, Human resource [HR] representatives insisting on Open Communication or the new education system that does not mind in conducting open book test. Being #Open has helped, and this novice initiative – Open Banking is about...
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Biometrics empowering Digital banking

How Could Biometrics Help in Digital Banking?

With biometrics and its application trending the social media, firms and organizations are jumping the bandwagon to reap benefits. But you would be surprised to know that Biometrics is an age-old process used for your identification. Surprised? If we trace the history of biometrics, as per wiki in 1891 fingerprints catalog of criminals was formulated...
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Everything you need to know about – OpenBanking, OpenAPI, OpenData

Vishal’s take on OpenBanking In a recent post on McKinsey about Open banking, it said – The potential benefits of open banking include improved customer experience, new revenue streams, and a sustainable service model for underserved markets. Well, the benefits may be seen in the long run. However, the topic of the hour is Open...
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Banks and fintech firms

Digital Banking – Would it lead the Banks and Fintech to Merge or Conquer?

The world is under the spell of digitization! Just a decade back, when people were skeptical about making a transaction online, the recent reports are highlighting the mass adoption of technology into their lives. Sample these – As per stats, the rise of Omni-digital banking customer has grown from 27% in 2012 to 46% in...
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FinX - the global payment switch

FinX – The Global Payment Switch, Connecting Multiple Markets, Channels and Partners

We human are strange in behavior. First, we look for various options, and then we look for one option that serves to all. Don’t believe me? A single Windows login to access all your office systems? A single FB /Google login to access most of the third-party applications? An OS that runs on phones, tablets,...
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Cloud Robotics in Fintech

How fintech Could Use Cloud Robotics to stress BaaS and Financial Inclusion?

Cloud Robotics in Fintech While the human mode says NO to machines and robots, the techie inside us craves for hands-on experience to all the latest technology. A few days back when I experienced the Augmented Reality in real, I was awestruck, and my hands itched for more, I wanted to build more use cases...
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Analytics - Visualize the Data

Data and Analytics are Ruling the Fintech World

Data is no longer measured in terabytes (a thousand gigabytes) but in zettabytes (a billion terabytes). Data is lifeless unless you have a tool to analyze and visualize it! In simple terms, an Analytical tool could prove to be a drop of water to barren unstructured, raw amorphous data. Visualize a rural village equipped with...
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Financial Inclusion to Atleast One Woman in our Network – A Pledge this Woman’s Day

How Would you like to celebrate this Women’s Day? Before you attend a cake cutting ceremony in your office take a moment on how blessed are you because – Nearly one of every three women in the world — or 1.1 billion — is excluded from the formal financial system If stats are hard to...
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Are Banks Heading Towards Extinction?

Will the new technology and innovation make Banks an extinct species? If India is stressing to go #cashless today, are we in a position to adopt blockchain? With small firms now financing small amount loans, the common man could skip the hassle of going to a bank? With Agent Banking providing services at your doorstep...
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