FintechStartups - teknospire



Fintech Applications That are truly OUT OF BOX

In the age of online funds transfer and automation, what could be out of the box thinking of a fintech application? A flying drone delivering money in a rural area? Or your own car recommending you about the best car insurance? Well, the above cases may still be a dream, but some of the great...
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Top Five Questions Asked by Fintech CXO in 2018 review

As per Venture scanner data, Deloitte Centre for Financial Services analysis, during 2008-[Sept]2017 1498 companies were founded under Banking and Capital markets category. While other classes like investment management [313], Insurance [ 905],and  Real Estate [1022] made a mark,but Banking and Capital markets lead the way. Ever wondered what the CXO’s of these 1498 firms...
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FinX - the global payment switch

FinX – The Global Payment Switch, Connecting Multiple Markets, Channels and Partners

We human are strange in behavior. First, we look for various options, and then we look for one option that serves to all. Don’t believe me? A single Windows login to access all your office systems? A single FB /Google login to access most of the third-party applications? An OS that runs on phones, tablets,...
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Cloud Robotics in Fintech

How fintech Could Use Cloud Robotics to stress BaaS and Financial Inclusion?

Cloud Robotics in Fintech While the human mode says NO to machines and robots, the techie inside us craves for hands-on experience to all the latest technology. A few days back when I experienced the Augmented Reality in real, I was awestruck, and my hands itched for more, I wanted to build more use cases...
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