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Mobile Financial Services

Turkey Cashless Society by 2023 – Mobile Wallets are the key!

Have you ever tried Turkish tea? For a tea-addict like me, it was incredible! And thanks to these fantastic tea flavors that I got to know about Turkey, a land with rich history in culture and food has also shaped the history of economics. The concept of stock exchange, commerce and money were all born...
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The evolution of mobile wallets and digital payments in Jordan

Digital is just not a word anymore;its your life. Part and parcel of humans, economy, and countries. Each country is trying to regulate, innovate, implement digital solutions, services and lifestyles. Today we are going to discuss about one such beautiful country Jordan and the evolutions of mobile wallets in the stunning landscape. What kind of...
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How to offer a best-in-class Mobile Wallet experience for MENA?

The Middle East and North Africa are witnessing a change in consumer preferences, evolving Fintech start-ups, and supporting regulation are testing banks and FI’s digital capabilities.  The consumers are going digital, creating new opportunities for financial market to disrupt and embrace fully integrated mobile wallets via smartphones, wearables, and tablets.  A recent GSMA research outline...
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Digital Wallets in Israel – Use Cases, Consumers, and Economy

In the year 2006, when I was in Pune, many Israelis were staying within our locality. Apart from the country name and a possibility of locating it on the world map, I hardly knew anything about Israel. So when I was offered this post, I never thought it would be an eye-opener to me, on...
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Diigtal Wallets in UAE

Mobile Money wallets in UAE

Mastercard, in their recent report “The Cashless Journey,” stated that UAE economy is among the most rapidly growing as a cashless based society. VISA another leader in digital payments surveyed retailers found that 63% of the retailers claimed foot traffic increasing and 68% increase in revenue with the acceptance of digital payments. The survey also...
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