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Samiksha Seth


In olden days or even a decade back Banking as a service [BaaS] was only taken by trusted entities – BANKS. However, with the technology innovation Banks, Fintech and GAFA [Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon] are tapping onto the opportunity open up by the PSD2 directive to offer BaaS. While customers are still skeptical about...
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Governance and Financial Inclusion


Could adequate governance enhance access to financial services? While the short answer is yes, the long-form answer is the review of standards, processes, and act of governance, that could bring in a more profound level of financial inclusion.  We all know how growth and financial inclusion are directly proportional to each other, specifically in emerging...
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In two years, India’s story of financial inclusion has shifted from account opening to account usage.Supported by enabling technology and focused policy moves, India presents a clear example of how policy imperatives can drive the agenda of financial inclusion. Take on our Teknospire Agent Banking quiz to know more.
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Top Five Questions Asked by Fintech CXO in 2018 review

As per Venture scanner data, Deloitte Centre for Financial Services analysis, during 2008-[Sept]2017 1498 companies were founded under Banking and Capital markets category. While other classes like investment management [313], Insurance [ 905],and  Real Estate [1022] made a mark,but Banking and Capital markets lead the way. Ever wondered what the CXO’s of these 1498 firms...
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Open Source Software

Open Source Software – Adoption, Initiatives, Value Proposition, Risks, Impact

Have you read the book written by Eric S. Raymond “The Cathedral and the Bazaar abbreviated as CatB” on software engineering methods?It’s an interesting piece where the author is differentiating between the two kinds of software development. One is the building a cathedral referred to the closed-source development that has central governance, software releases available only...
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Blockchain could bring in financial inclusion

Could Blockchain Bring in Financial Inclusion?

Living in an Urban city I never had issues in spending money be it cash or electronically. But when India was under the spell of Demonetization, despite having sufficient funds in my account I was not able spend them for one simple reason that – the vendors, vegetable sellers or rickshaw pullers didn’t have the...
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Open Banking/PSD2 is all set to shake the financial services industry in 2018

Time and again we have positively accepted #Open creativities… be it when Philosophers guided us to have an open mind, Human resource [HR] representatives insisting on Open Communication or the new education system that does not mind in conducting open book test. Being #Open has helped, and this novice initiative – Open Banking is about...
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Quiz: How Well Do you know Fintech and Payment Industry?

Fintech had made an impact in people’s lives, be it with Last Mile Banking, Microfinancing or integration with HealthTech to provide seamless medical care. Its evolving and fascinating to witness technology managing your financial portfolio, getting help from Robo-advisors, or looking for health insurance. The buzz is now a part of our life. How much...
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Top Five Technologies that could boost Fintech in 2018

While Traditional Banking existed with a prime motive to secure and save money, they never bothered to create a social impact. The Fintech is on the rise, we do see how “Banking is now boosting the social change” with customized and apt solutions and dedicating themselves to improve the lives of people. Fintech industry, on...
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The Six Qualities of Blockchain

My first face-off with Blockchain was a year back when I in my hometown was keen to transfer my bank account to a new city. The banking officials mentioned the multi-step time-consuming process, which made me think why the same bank cannot be accessible from my new location. Isn’t just about data? Yes, cloud technology...
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