FinTech - teknospire



Top 5 Fintech Post 2019

A big year for Fintech – or should I say Fintech-led disruption? Experts predicted Fintech to scale in 2019, and they weren’t wrong – innovation-led banking, bypassing legacy banks, new entrants like Neo Banks taking a plunge reducing friction to serve Banking for one and all. Initiatives like PSD2 and Sahamati shaping up and being...
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Financial Inclusion needs an extra push!

The post first appeared on linkedin. To get more such insights, please connect with me here. What is the longest distance you traveled to avail a service? Okay, I am not talking about marathons! But while you are reading this on your smart device waiting for a booked cab or live cricket score, pause as […]
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Digital Banking in US

Digital Banking – Initiatives, Use Cases, Examples, Opportunities in the US

The year 2012 was a bit frustrating for Olympic tourist in London as VISA was the only card to be accepted. Banks in the US who have offered Mastercard to their customer were under pressure to issue new VISA cards to engage their loyal customer and earn revenue from international payments. For a developed nation […]
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Digital Banking Europe

Digital Banking: Use Cases and Opportunities in Europe

When was the last time you stepped into a brick and mortar bank branch for financial transactions? It sure has become a rarity for many of us, maybe even unheard of for most millennials. Most banking operations are just a click away today. Welcome to Digital Banking! As advanced as it may seem now, banking...
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Digital Banking: The Talk of the Town

Digital Banking is all about the transformation, where the consumer rather than the technology, is in the driver’s seat, and this MATTERS. It’s about digital money deposits, withdrawals and transfer of money from one account to another. It’s also about Account Management to loan management to paying all your bills digitally. Digital Banking essentially entails...
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Financial Inclusion is the key

Financial Inclusion: What will it be like for years to come?

Financial Inclusion helps lift people out of poverty and can help speed economic development. It can draw more women into the mainstream of economic activity, harnessing their contributions to society. – Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Indonesian economist, Minister of Finance of Indonesia since 2016 Economic growth of a country depends on factors like national income, per...
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Teknospire: Connecting FinTech Technologies for Better Living

The growing demand for cloud computing and need for uninterrupted banking and payments services have forced the financial institutions to look at innovative solutions. Consequently, data-driven approach has become the key to business growth. More and more businesses are engaging in data mining and hence, it is important for technology providers to offer solutions that...
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Open Banking

Open Banking: End of Card Payments?

Any new technology or innovation always opens up the debate about the relevance of such models in the first place. When it comes to the Open Banking APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), the newest offering of FinTech, there are ongoing discussions on how it can bring about a revolutionary banking experience which is beneficial to the end users. The basic...
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open banking

Open Banking: Who will really get benefitted?

Banking, as a domain, has always been a competitive one. To keep up with the pace of the dynamic nature of this sector, banks & financial institutions are gradually making the shift to experiment with newer technologies, like Open Banking and innovative concepts like FinTech, designed specifically for the banking sector. The basic idea behind...
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